Sounds I Loved: 2015

It is the end of 2015 and I feel like giving a wrap up of my favorite audio I heard this year. I'm going to break this up into three sections. My favorite albums of the year, and favorite singles of the year. Why the latter? There’s a few albums I’ve not gotten to yet, and there was one genuine single this year--with no album in sight that I know of--that really wedged itself in my head. Ready? Let’s dive in. Albums Of The Year 2015 My friends, after a great deal of thought, meditation, and soul searching I have a rather important announcement to make. I have a tie for Album of the Year. These two records rose to the top for me, and I simply couldn’t sleep well at night with the idea of one of them being relegated to the number two spot--on a list that isn’t even really numbered. My top albums of the year are: “No Cities To Love” by Sleater-Kinney & “Sometimes I Sit and Think and Sometimes I Just Sit” by Courtney Barnett. If you didn’t check out “Someti...