No, Mr. Bond! I Expect You to Tweet!

Story time, gang! Gather round the whole story tree and lend an ear! (I promise I'll never start a column off like that again, OK?) So here's something about me that you might not know. When I was in my pre-teen/middle school years, I was a MASSIVE James Bond fan. It was a great time to be a young James Bond fan in the mid/late 1990s. The series had just been freshly booted with Pierce Brosnan in Goldeneye, and there was the KILLER corresponding video game for the Nintendo 64 that WE ALL PLAYED.

Just how big was my 007 fandom? Up to 1998, I had ALL the Bond movies on VHS tape. Each and every one. On their own shelf. In order. Next to a stack of James Bond trading cards. That was next to a book of 007 Movie Poster art—a book I still have. I used to spend those lovely lazy Saturdays in my room, watching marathons of Bond movies. One week I'd watch all of Sean Connery's movies, then the next I'd tackle all of Roger Moore's.

Why is it that I only had all the Bond movies on VHS up to 1998? Because I worked at my parent's store and saved up my money all Summer, to buy one of those new, mysterious, DVD players. I vividly recall my Grandmother taking me to Circuit City, and getting the cheapest player they had. Which at the time cost $400. The first DVD I ever bought? The then newest James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies. The second DVD I ever bought? Dr. No. I still have both of them (and that player too in my basement, come to think of it—I'm not a horder).

So, yeah. I like James Bond movies. I always will, they're part of my pop culture DNA from being 13 years old and a massive fan. In 2010, when I bought a blu-ray player, what was one of the first blu-ray's I bought? Yep. A Bond movie, my favorite one, Thunderball. Now I do realize that people do have issue with the Bond movies. Ya know, the whole little bit of sexism and misogyny. I respect that, and I understand that. But that's not related to why I like James Bond movies.

Anyway, point of all of this is that for the past few weeks, I've been taking part in these fun James Bond tweet-alongs over there on the Twitter. It's a little collective called Bond Age, and each Wednesday night at nine, we all fire up a copy of the Bond movie for that week, and tweet along with it. The last one was for The Living Daylights and used the hashtag #TLD. It seems that during the course of Timothy Dalton's first outing at 007, we managed to get #TLD trending on Twitter.

It's a great deal of fun. Half informational tweetings, and half loving MST3King of James Bond. One film that provided great fun for the group was Roger Moore's last film A View to A Kill. Which is the James Bond movie that is so 1980s, it pistol whips you with its 80sness. There were jokes a plenty about Moore's age—he was 58 at the time. Tweets about the fact that it has Grace Jones in it. Tweets about the fact that it has Christopher Walken in it, which resulted in many Bond-ian variations on “I have a fever...”

Now that a good number of the Bond flicks have hit Netflix Instant, you really have no excuse not to join in on the fun if you like. I'm not sure what movie will be next by the time you see this, but just do a Twitter search for Bond Age and you should be able to find it, or you can check out the Bond Age Tumblr.


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