
I woke up in a mood on that particular Friday. I have no clue why I was in a mood, most people wake up on Friday full of sunshine and happiness. However on that Friday, I woke up all moody and grumbly and all “ugh, me no like shining orb in sky.” It sent the precedent for how that day was going to go. Nothing was going right, I cut my hand on the toaster that morning while making breakfast. Don't ask me how I managed to cut myself on a toaster, I'm still trying to figure that one out for myself.

I felt horrible all morning long, and that afternoon I had a number of errands to run, I begrudgingly placed myself in my car, and drove out into the wild. After checking on my grandmother, picking up medicine for my aunt, and other general errands, my mood had improved some. Still looking for some cheer, I stopped by my favorite antique shop to browse, and ponder things. You'd be surprised at how well an antique mall serves as a great place to think.

As I wandered around looking at the various items, I saw some new booths with records in them. As I looked through the new stacks, I was reminded of the words of that wise sage Linus Van Pelt, who once said “Buying records cheers me up. Whenever I feel low, I buy some new records.” There wasn't anything in the stacks that was calling my name, either things I had, or things I would never wish to have. But a smile came across my face, $4.00 for a copy of Stardust by Willie Nelson, in great shape? Yes, please!

My mood improved significantly, Stardust is an album I had been longing to get on vinyl, it's one of those albums that's so deliriously perfect, it's downright life affirming. My day was saved, it seemed, and like any good record nerd, I rushed home in excitement to get my latest beauty on the turntable. Listening to Stardust then turned into a musical therapy session, jumping around from record to record, 45 to 45, and just generally feeling great about life again.

I lost track of time, arrived home at 3:30 with my new record, and next thing I knew it was 6:30 and I was filled with a desire for food. I was thinking about chorizo, and I wanted the chorizo tacos from my favorite Mexican place. I drove to the restaurant, and found that their parking lot was full. My mood was improved, but I still didn't feel like eating alone in a crowded restaurant on a Friday night. Undaunted, I drove to another Mexican place I like, and their lot was full too. I tried a third, same deal. Friday night, everyone wants chips, salsa, and margaritas.

Feeling a little, less than great, I just drove trying to figure out what to eat. A new coffee shop, which I was told had good sandwiches, had opened not too far away from where I was. I went there, went in, got in line, could see their menu, and was getting excited at the idea of a nice toasty sandwich. Till I got right up to the ordering stand, and saw in small print “No food after 7:00 PM,” and it was 7:15.

“I'll take an iced vanilla coffee” I said, and the perky person behind the counter said “We're out of iced coffee.” A latte it is! As I drove around with a latte I really didn't want, I still had an insane craving for tacos. So I did what anyone who gets all huffy then drives to cool off would do. I went to the grocery store, and I got the stuff to make my own tacos.

It was a warm day, so the night was really nice. I took advantage of it. I set my portable record player up on the porch, ate my tacos—which were so so good—and played Stardust under the stars. It was an off day, but it still had its highlights.


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