Early Morning Thoughts from Bed when the Power is Out

It’s that early morning window when you’re not entirely sure if you’re dreaming or awake yet. Your mind drifts. You feel rested for the first time in a long time. You’re still trying to figure out things as you slip into consciousness. “What day is this? I have no clue. I don’t recall the last time I slept so well.” You also note that the house is quiet suddenly, really quiet. “Huh, I can’t hear the air conditioner or the radio I had on when I fell asleep last night.” You hear your phone make a sound, and you realize that the power has gone out. You slowly open your eyes and see the ceiling fan is still moving, but slowing to a stop. “Huh, I wonder what caused the power to go out?” You think. You can’t hear any rain going on, there hasn’t been any thunder. “Maybe just a power surge, but that usually pops right back on and this has been off for a bit.” If you’re anything like me, you have a brain that tends to take simpl...