New Blog Name, Who This?
"Hey There, Andy!" is dead--long live "Hey There, Andy!"
When I began this blog years ago, it was to be a web archive for my Batteries Not Included column that appeared in The Loafer. At the time I called it "Hey There, Andy!" as I just liked how it sounded and wanted to get things up and running as quickly as possible. But since then things changed, the web presence for my column got better, I got busy with other things, my dad got sick, and I started to refer to the hub as all things I do as "Andyland, USA."
So it came time to do something about "Hey There, Andy!" Frankly, the name didn't serve me anymore. So, folks, stay with me as I introduce the new coat-o-paint on the place, and dub this Andyland, USA! You'll see a lot more of my usual shenanigans here in the future. I just hope you'll continue to support me on this crazy ride of putting the words together.
Hugs and kisses,
Your Humble Mayor,
PS: drawing of myself and Jon Hamm having the best day ever in Gatlinburg, TN was done by the amazingly talented Daniel Leach, find his work at Snipe Hunt Media.
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